Welcome to the Durrant House Hotel

Thank you for choosing Durrant House Hotel for your accommodation. We know that you have a choice of where to stay so thank you again for choosing us.

Guest Services

We are here to make your stay a happy and a memorable one. If there is anything you require, please do not hesitate in asking any of our staff who will always be pleased to help you.

The Durrant House Hotel is situated in its own grounds offering you a quiet and relaxing stay yet it is close enough to the town centre should you wish to visit.

Once again, we hope your stay with us is enjoyable and one you will remember.

Sincerely, The Management and Staff of the Durrant House Hotel.

Contact: 01237 472361

Emergency & Safety


ASDA Pharmacy

Tel: 01237 427 720
Opening Times:
Monday 8am – 11pm
Tuesday – Friday 7am – 11pm
Saturday 7am – 10pm Sunday 10am – 4pm
Opening times may change at the company’s discretion


Northam Surgery
Tel: 01237 474994

Emergency Dental
Tel: 111
Please note that if a doctor is called you may be required to give information at the Front Desk.


Medical Emergencies call 999 (immediate threat to life). The Non-Emergency number is 111.

Medical Emergencies call 999 (immediate threat to life). The Non-Emergency number is 111.

Fire Safety

When you check in locate the fire exit, alarms and extinguishers. Count the doors between your room and the exits to have reference if visibility is low. Become familiar with your surroundings.

If there is a fire in your room, leave your room and close the door. Report the fire by pulling the fire alarm.

If the fire is not in your room test the door with the back of your hand for heat before opening.

If the door is hot, stay in your room. Telephone for help. Cover your face with wet towels and wait for help. If the door is cool, take the room key. Open the door slowly. Close the door behind you. Walk to the nearest exit and go down to the car park meeting point. If the hall is smoky, keep low. If your exit route is not safe, return to your room, ring reception and wait for help.

Do not use elevators when fire alarm is sounding.